Seen Here, Seen from Here


In the summer of 2007, six artists (Arthur Akopy, Blue Screen, François Méchain, Elodie Moirenc, Eric Samakh, Vanessa Santullo) are invited to create installations in  the rooms and gardens at the chateaux in Lauris. The tour then takes the form of a true exploration of the site, which inspired thecreations. Free, punctuated benchmarks (an identity frame for each artist, referring to the identification and comments on the exposure plane given to visitors) can sequence a different route always outside alternating inside and underground. Jean-Charles Querette architect.  


curators: Signé Lauris - Véronique Bâton, Marc Netter, scenography: Atelier Sylvain Roca, graphism: Tiphaine Massari


photos: Sylvain Roca

  • Opening: June 2007
  • Location: Castle, parc and of underpass of Lauris castle, Luberon
  • Area:
  • Production: Signé Lauris
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